Enabling strategic growth through data-driven content and consulting.
What We Do
With our unparalleled expertise in European IT markets, extensive research coverage, and customizable offerings, we accompany IT services providers, software vendors, and end-user organizations on their growth journey: growing market share, shaping their strategies, and helping them establish themselves as thought leaders in their industry.
Our Services
Leverage Europe’s leading market research platform for the software & IT services industry to gain actionable data-driven insights on a global scale—providing you with a solid basis for your strategic planning and business development activities.
Get a holistic view and accurate positioning of providers on local markets with the PAC RADAR. The PAC RADAR provides IT and business decision-makers with the right criteria to help them select the most suitable IT services partners and develop effective sourcing strategies.
Understand the investment priorities of end-user organizations across the globe with PAC's CxO survey and leverage this primary data to get ahead of the competition and create your own customized thought leadership content.
Customize our trusted market data and leverage our team of experienced consultants to create the perfect tailor-made solution to increase your organization's growth or brand awareness.
Tap into a new dimension of PAC’s research and analysis products with our Vendor Landscapes, where we offer a comprehensive overview of the leading and innovative players in selected countries, industries or horizontal topics.
Why Partner with Us
We’re Data-Obsessed
A source for exceptional analytic insights, our unique research solution carries over 65,000 data points, allowing you to shape and validate your business strategy through multidimensional market data and stay on top of local technological trends that drive the market.
We’re European. With a Global Perspective
We’re Offering Customized Solutions
PAC creates tailor-made solutions to meet each of our clients’ specific needs. Our analysts and consultants work closely with clients to understand their unique challenges and develop the right solutions matching their requirements.
We’re Trusted by Industry Leaders
In Good Company
Munich, July 25, 2024 – Market research and strategic consulting firm PAC presents its six-part PAC INNOVATION RADAR “Open Digital Platforms for the Industrial World in Europe 2024.” It is the most comprehensive analysis of the vendor landscape for open digital platforms for use in industrial contexts. In six RADAR segments, PAC reviews around 120 platforms and evaluates 77 of them in the European market.
Join PAC’s top analysts for an impactful webinar designed to keep you ahead of industry trends, understand your competition, and optimize your business strategies.
Paris, lundi 9 juillet 2024 – En mai, PAC (Pierre Audoin Consultants) a publié son panorama 2024 des ESN intermédiaires de référence agissant sur le marché des services cloud et souligne la performance remarquable et très singulière de l’activité services numériques de Thales qui réalise une croissance organique exceptionnelle à deux chiffres en 2023 sur un marché des services qui a crû quant à lui de 4%.
Our Principal Analyst Karsten Leclerque was quoted in Wirtschaftswoche talking about the #sovereignty advantage of European providers. “In recent years, many US providers such as
Several thousand customers and partners accepted SAP’s invitation to attend Sapphire in Orlando and Barcelona to learn firsthand how the leading business application software provider envisions the future.
Microsoft is increasing the prices for the most popular Dynamics offerings by a good 10% from October 2024.
Le leader européen des analyses de marché pour les acteurs du numérique PAC (Pierre Audoin Consultants) et la banque d’affaires Crescendo Finance s’associent pour produire le premier Baromètre des valorisations des ESN, sous un angle à la fois financier et stratégique.
Learn how integrating AI into software and service offerings can help your organization rethink processes, unlock new capabilities, and future-proof itself against AI-driven market disruptions.
2024 is expected to be a significant year for companies as they strive to meet their early sustainability goals. Despite mounting economic pressure, are they slowing down their sustainability efforts to concentrate on other priorities?